
3 Simple Tips For Learning English On A Daily Basis

Learning English is perhaps one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Fortunately, English is easy to learn and use. The English alphabet is simple, plurals are easy to understand, words are short & easy to learn, words do not change and an individual refers to everybody as “you”. Furthermore, English is everywhere and can be accessed readily from many sources, including the TV, radio, music, magazines, websites, etc. The best way to learn English is to enroll in a good school. Other ways to aprender inglês include:


Practice makes perfect. Therefore, every chance you have, take the time to speak English. Take the courage, speak to people around you, and do not be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak the language, the better you get in mastering your vocabulary and pronouncing words. You may consider using Google to translate, when you are not sure how best to pronounce words. Simply enter your choice of word(s) in Google and listen for the correct pronunciation when you click the audio button.

Use mass media to help you

Listening to songs in English, watching films in English and listening to news bulletins can help you learn new expressions and words, and help you improve your pronunciation. Watching movies in English offers a fun and exciting way of learning English. You can listen to the vocabulary and pronunciations of your favorite actor or actress and try to imitate them. Furthermore, reading magazines and newspapers out to yourself will help detect problems you may be having with reading, pronouncing and/or writing words in English.

Learn new words daily

Take the initiative to learn at least a single word every day. Select a word, find its meaning(s) and practice using it in various sentences. Once you have mastered the word, continue using it regularly. Joining the debate club allows you to learn how to construct better sentences and communicate eloquently. Furthermore, having friends with whom you can communicate English with can help you polish up on your English. You can have a fun time comparing notes and discussing new words you have learnt.

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