Apple Confirms iPhone Advantage Over Android

iOS 13 continues to bring glory to Apple’s stellar installation record. Catalina has now been installed in half of all iPhones sold and 55% of iPhones launched this year. It was launched only on the 19th of September.

The Google Android dashboard, on the other hand, remains unchanged since May 2019. It doesn’t seem like Android can compete with Apple at this point, since only 10.4% of the phones using Android were pegged to have updated to Android 9 nine months after its release.

Since both operating systems use different business models, it may seem unfair to say that Apple is coming out on top. However, it shows the success and failure of the companies in controlling its system of distribution wherein Apple has made a name for itself. This is because the Apple updates reach the user directly while Android rolls it out to mobile manufacturers and leaves it up to them to customize and distribute. This process involves checking each variant and beginning a regional rollout along with the manufacturer.

Android’s monthly updates that come with bug fixes and security patches keep them free of issues but do not update the operations. Apple has fewer variants and the user interface remains relatively unchanged. With a direct relationship with users, they are able to make these updates without lag.

This is the reason that Apple seems to have trumped the Android OS. Their brand new iOS 13 has taken the market by storm, though five updates have already been released to fix bugs in the system.

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