Your would not think that your closets are quite that important except for arranging your clothes but in actual fact they say a lot about the kind of person you are. Keeping a closet organized can become a mammoth task if you do not arrange for the best choice according to your specific needs and storage style. So even if you are planning for a custom closet, be prepared to introduce changes that directly match your personality.
The mix and match style
If you are quite finicky about your storage style and others find it quite hard to crack your closet organization code, you need to mix and match your closet style as well. Go for the complete customization with every organizer handpicked to suit your system rather than choosing a pre-made system to fit your closet.
The temporary style
If you move a lot and mostly live in rented apartments, you can still opt for custom closets but with a twist in the style. Go for the self-standing organizer option. This can be adjusted to fit existing closets or you can use it freestanding in a room. The organizer should also have adjustable drawers and shelves to customize according to your specific needs.
Tight budget or luxury style
Finally, depending on your budget, you fight fall in two types of extreme categories. If you have a very tight budget, in which case look for rubber or wire organizer shelving. These save money on cutting wood during installation and can be customized for different spaces within a small budget. On the other hand, if budget is not a problem, you can get your closet company to send in professionals to work with you in your space to give you a truly unique closet fully customized with clever ideas fit for your style.